Mission Candidates

Mission Candidates

The mission committee have identified four different types of candidate for mission service. These have been summarised below: Candidate Type Description Union Road/Lecumpher Team Worker A candidate who desires to serve on a Union Road/Lecumpher team Mission Team Worker A candidate who desires to serve individually or on a team with the support of Union...

Mission Policy

Mission Policy

Union Road Mission Policy has been designed to ensure that the Great Commission is carried out by establishing a clear sense of direction, maintaining momentum, and acts as a framework within which decisions can be made. Purpose of the policy The policy has been developed to: help achieve a clear sense of direction build confidence...

Mission Strategy

Mission Strategy

Union Road Mission Committee has developed a strategy to direct church mission activities over the next five year period from 2021 to 2026. Our Aim To become a community of disciples reaching out to a lost world. Our Purpose At Union Road, we believe the Bible is originally given, without error, the fully inspired and...

Mission Partners

Mission Partners

Union Road currently partners with 12 individuals or mission organisations. The congregation also has a local outreach ministry with local Syrian families. Details of our partners are provided below. Asia Link For more information please visit https://www.asialink.org/ Kercmar Family (ECM, Slovenia) For more information please visit https://www.ecmi.org/en/country-detailpage/2fad262e-60d5-4325-8a63-9bd00e656af6 Sasko Nezamutdinov (ECM, Poland) For more information please...

Mission Opportunities

Mission Opportunities

For more information on the Slovenia Team, please click here, or alternatively contact Matthew and Rebekah Gallick.  If you wish to apply for the Poland or Slovenia Teams, please download the  Missions Application Form and submit to the Missions Teams Co-ordinator, Nikita Gallick. If you have applied to a team and wish to notify the...

Pause For Prayer

Pause For Prayer

From the earliest moments of the church in the New Testament, God’s people have relied on prayer, to give expression to their praise and their needs before their Father in heaven. As a leadership in Union Road we regard prayer as fundamental to displaying our faith in Jesus Christ as Lord. In prayer we come...

Discipleship Groups

Discipleship Groups

In the Early Church the new Christians gathered to worship in larger groups (around the Temple Courts) but also in smaller gatherings (in people’s homes). This pattern continued as Paul saw new churches planted on his missionary journeys and he often writes, in his letters, to various church gatherings and those who hosted the church...



Prayer is vitally important to us in Union Road. As a church we want to encourage you to pray more, both individually and corporately.

Young Adults

Young Adults

Young Adults (YA) is a gathering of 18-30(ish!) year olds. YA meet weekly in the Garden Street Hall ‘attic’ space after the 6.30pm joint Union Road-Lecumpher evening service in URPC. The purpose of Young Adults is to deepen bonds amongst this age group in our fellowships, both relationally and spiritually. YA sing, read, chat, discuss,...