In the Early Church the new Christians gathered to worship in larger groups (around the Temple Courts) but also in smaller gatherings (in people’s homes).
This pattern continued as Paul saw new churches planted on his missionary journeys and he often writes, in his letters, to various church gatherings and those who hosted the church in their homes.
As God’s people, we believe that we are disciples, in the learning and growing sense of the word, and so we meet on alternate Thursdays (at 8pm) in various homes around the area to read the Bible, pray and discuss what God is saying to us, in our personal lives and as His representatives in Magherafelt and beyond. Many people testify to the fact that this is the place where they have experienced firsthand what it is to a follower of Christ and be in fellowship with His people.
These groups consist of group leader(s) and around 8-15 people and run from September – May. Please look out for news relating to these groups as they are relaunched in September.