Ready For Worship?

Ready For Worship?

Each Sunday, as we come to this place, how do we walk into church? Where are our minds? More importantly, where are our hearts? There are two dimensions in our worship- the vertical and the horizontal. We LOOK UP and are reminded of God, His greatness, grace and saving power and so we sing, listen...

August Super Saturdays

August Super Saturdays

We are hosting four Super Saturdays in the Garden St Hall, Magherafelt, aimed at children and families in our area. If you can assist in one or all of the areas listed below, please sign up today, in order to help with planning. Each morning will cover a particular theme, running towards a Family Service...

Parent Talk

Parent Talk

Wednesday 6th, 13th and 20th June 2018 | 8pm-9:30pm Being a parent is one of life’s greatest joys, but it is also one of its biggest challenges. There’s hardly a mum or dad on the face of the earth who, at times, is not overawed by the task of parenting. As a congregation we are...

Fit For Life Ladies Breakfast

Fit For Life Ladies Breakfast

All ladies of all ages are very warmly welcome to our Ladies Breakfast on Saturday 2nd June 2018 at 9.00 am (sharp) in Sizzlers Restaurant, Magherafelt. Ladies £8.00 Children £4.50 Our speaker will be Sharon Kelly who is serving with OMS in Mozambique and is presently home on leave. If you would like to join...

Pause For Prayer

Pause For Prayer

From the earliest moments of the church in the New Testament, God’s people have relied on prayer, to give expression to their praise and their needs before their Father in heaven. As a leadership in Union Road we regard prayer as fundamental to displaying our faith in Jesus Christ as Lord. In prayer we come...

Discipleship Groups

Discipleship Groups

In the Early Church the new Christians gathered to worship in larger groups (around the Temple Courts) but also in smaller gatherings (in people’s homes). This pattern continued as Paul saw new churches planted on his missionary journeys and he often writes, in his letters, to various church gatherings and those who hosted the church...



Prayer is vitally important to us in Union Road. As a church we want to encourage you to pray more, both individually and corporately.

Young Adults

Young Adults

Young Adults (YA) is a gathering of 18-30(ish!) year olds. YA meet weekly in the Garden Street Hall ‘attic’ space after the 6.30pm joint Union Road-Lecumpher evening service in URPC. The purpose of Young Adults is to deepen bonds amongst this age group in our fellowships, both relationally and spiritually. YA sing, read, chat, discuss,...