Ready For Worship?

Ready For Worship?

Each Sunday, as we come to this place, how do we walk into church?

Where are our minds? More importantly, where are our hearts?

There are two dimensions in our worship- the vertical and the horizontal.

We LOOK UP and are reminded of God, His greatness, grace and saving power and so we sing, listen to His Word and speak to Him, in prayer.

As we are reminded how the Father has loved us, we are prompted to love one another.

But we also LOOK AROUND– we do not worship alone. Church is not about you! Church is about us.

Do we just sit where we always sit? Talk to the same the people we always talk to, or even rush in later or rush away with our head down without engaging with anyone?

All these attitudes can become unhelpful traditions and become obstacles in our worship.

On your way in:

Pray that God would speak to you, personally, that the preaching would enter your own heart before pointing the finger at others.

Pray that God would enable you to speak to others and bring encouragement.

Pray that you wouldn’t just talk about the weather, the car parking, farming, fashion or football but bring out the best in each other, urging them on in their faith.

Pray that church would be more than a place we go to and increasingly become a family we belong to.