Kids and Youth

Kids and Youth

Introduction There are many youth activities within Union Road and in conjunction with Lecumpher. These ministries normally run weekly and further details can be obtained from each activity page.   Consent Form Click to download a Consent Form for any of our youth activities.   Child Protection All leaders involved in youth organisations with Union Road are...



Union Road organise a range of regular sporting activities, together with Lecumpher Presbyterian Church, details of which are given below.  In addition we also hold one off sporting events throughout the year. These details will appear on our website, or like us on Facebook to keep up to date. Monday Night Football On Monday nights...

Mums and Tots

Mums and Tots

Mums and Tots is the place where babies and pre-school children meet, along with parents, grandparents, and carers.  Everyone is very welcome to come along – we love to meet new faces- you just need to bring a tot! And it’s free…. Where and When We meet in the Garden Street Hall every Thursday morning...

Presbyterian Women

Presbyterian Women

Union Road Presbyterian Women (PW) meets on the first Monday of each month, from September to March. PW meet at 7:45pm each night in the Junior Suite in the church building and is open to ladies of all ages. More information on PW can be found online through the Presbyterian Church in Ireland’s website, or...



Today, most men face the constant, daily pressures of work and increasingly demanding schedules.  Very often, the negative impact of our work lives is felt in our personal relationship with God and in our family life.   The result is often isolation – from the Lord, from our families, and from other Christians.  Ignite Men’s Ministry...

Sunday Services

Sunday Services

For where two or three are gathered in my name, there am I among them Matthew 18:20 The word ‘church’ comes from a Greek word meaning ‘gathering’ and at Union Road we are a gathering of ordinary people who come together to praise an extraordinary God. So, when we meet on a Sunday, we are...

Sunday School

Sunday School

Sunday School is at 10:45 every Sunday, and finishes before the noon service. It’s for girls and boys of primary school age. Our Sunday School Superintendent is Gordon Watterson and the Teachers are: P1 – P2 Carolyn Cartin & Gillian Brown P3-P4 Rebekah Gallick P5-P6 Gillian Hatrick P7 – Yr 8 Valerie Henry Yr 9 – Yr...